Why writing FutureMe letters to my future self is healthy and cathartic

The Fang Girl
1 min readOct 7, 2022


I’ve been writing to myself since 2018. Picking up writing has been one of the best ways to reflect, stop time, and align myself on what truly matters to me.

I write letters to myself because I know she’s evolving. Emily every day is changing, but at her core, she’s the same person who knows what she wants. The decisions we make every day have become the matrix of your life and filters are built. I don’t want filters, but I have filters every where. I bite my tongue to risk the feelings of others, to be politically correct, to mold into this society, and to filter out the wrong people. Maybe it’s with writing that I can feel the most myself — sometimes when I read my essays, I can hear myself clearly reading it out loud. She’s authentic and she knows herself.

Finish reading this article on my blog.



The Fang Girl

A travel & lifestyle journal by Emily Fang. She jots down her personal thoughts as she ventures in Singapore, San Francisco, and Taipei. Blog is thefanggirl.com